Education Partner
Every year

By partnering with leading Universities in the UK and Kenyan students studying in these Universities, the Kenya Society UK offers the higher education community a unique opportunity. There are many universities in the UK with ties to Kenya, either because they have a student population who have come to the UK from Kenya or because they have research projects and teaching partnerships with Kenyan universities.

With this established connection to Kenya, there is a natural connection with the Kenya Society UK. What the Kenya Society UK offers to institutions is a sharing of our network, Kenyan expertise and knowledge to assist in their efforts to further promote research, coordination and promotion of Kenya, Kenyan students work, Kenyan opportunities and partnerships including with the Kenya High Commission, UK.

Kenya Society UK members are excited to partner with university members to directly impact Kenyan students through mentoring programs – for current students and alumni. Events, both social and academic, are a great way for the Kenya Society UK and universities to partner further. The Kenya Society UK looks forward to welcoming university members and their communities including students and staff.

Benefits Includes:

Mentoring opportunities for students in the Kenyan/East African Diaspora (as well as that “home away from home” support).

Cultural/Social connections and understanding.

Events focused on areas of mutual interest

Networking (UK and Kenya/East Africa).

In-country expertise and connections.

Research and publishing potential.

Membership Includes:

All current students from the subscribing institution are invited to be members, free of charge.

Six members of staff from the institution are included.

All benefits as listed on the Individual Membership page.

Current Education Partners and Members Includes:

We look forward to growing our community of Education Partners across the UK and we welcome your engagement in this partnership. For any more information and/or inquiries and how you can support the Education Initiatives; feel free to reach out to our Kenya Society Education Committee Leads: Celeste Shivani (Emeritus/Advisor), Stephen Wambua and Lawrence Muli on:

Education Partner
Every year