Volunteer with us

We encourage our members to volunteer their time and talents as we pull together in the spirit of Harambee to support the work of the Committee and the Secretariat. Do contact us if you are willing to offer your services in any one of the listed functions:

Youth engagement & mentorship

Newsletter editorial & publication

Photography & Videography

Event Management

Diaspora Affairs

Benefits of volunteering

For those who require more encouragement, extensive research indicates that volunteering makes one feel healthier and happier. Based on these findings, we would urge our members to support the society’s mission and as a result, improve your wellness as you will:

(1) Connect with other members and engage on matters of mutual interest, whether social, cultural or economic.

(2) Develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of historic events and current affairs in Kenya.

(3) Network and advance your interests, whether professional, academic, economic or philanthropic.

(4) Have fun socialising and find fulfilment to your life as you support us.