We have a diverse and inclusive Executive Committee that is a reflection of the rich tapestry of the Kenyan people. The 2024/25 committee is formed of fourteen elected volunteers from our membership; four Officers, ten full committee members who dedicate their time and talents to ensure that the membership services are aligned to our constitution that governs the society activities. An additional seven members have been co-opted to support the work of the committee.

  • Kailesh Patel

    Honorary Treasurer

  • Irene Waite

    Deputy Chairman

  • Ian Paton

    Honorary Secretary

  • Ruth Barry

    Vijana Wetu Mentorship Programme

  • Sherry Davis

    Arts and Culture

  • Cllr Elizabeth Kangethe

    Cllr Elizabeth Kangethe

    Diaspora and Women’s Lead

  • Angela Kolongo

    PR and Communications Lead (co-opted)

  • Julius Mbaluto

    Membership Lead

  • Wambui Njau

    Events and Project Management (co-opted)

  • Kezhia Orege Fields

    Arts, Culture and Events Lead

  • Patrick Orr

    Vice-Patron (Co-Opted)

  • Veronica Pickering

    Co-opted member

  • Stephen Wambua

    Financial Advisor (co-opted)

  • Luther Hinga

    ICT Lead

  • Lawrence Muli

    Education Partnerships Lead

  • Elizabeth Okinda

    Legal Affairs Lead

  • Stan Lee

    Accounts and Finance (co-opted)