Stephen Wambua

I was born in Machakos, Kenya and trained in India as an accountant. Before coming to England, I spent some time working in Kenya, DRC, Egypt and Dubai for Emirates Airlines managing their cabin and flight crew operations.

I got the opportunity to travel the world, which brought home some of the biggest global challenges and issues we face as mankind and I got the opportunity to fulfil my passion for travel. In 2009, I decided to take a break to complete a fulltime MBA (Finance) at the University of Leicester.

Although my intention was to move back to Dubai, I was offered a job at the Financial Conduct Authority (previously Financial Services Authority) soon after graduation. Since 2012 I have been looking after some of the largest global investment banks, asset managers, wealth managers and insurance firms in the London market.

It is a long journey from herding goats in Machakos to regulating global financial firms and markets in London! I still enjoy the countryside and often my weekends are spent in the English countryside which is glorious.

When I go back to Kenya, which I do twice a year, I like spending time in the villages talking to the youth and building their confidence to become change agents in their communities. I joined the Kenya Society as soon as I moved to London. I find that it is a great link to connecting with other Kenyans and finding out about topical issues and concerns back home.

Through the Kenya Society, I have been involved in great causes in education, healthcare, wildlife and social issues which otherwise I would not have sight of and I enjoy the fun activities which are occasionally organised by the Society.