Our Constitution

At our 27th Annual General Meeting on 13 June 2018, we unanimously adopted a new Constitution with immediate effect.

The previous Constitution had been in force since the foundation of the Society in 1989. Since then, times have changed and the Society has evolved. It was therefore considered sensible to bring the Constitution more in line with present-day needs and realities.

A Friendship Network

The main change was to amend the objectives of the Society. The Constitution now sets out objectives focused on the Society as a friendship network. This approach found overwhelming support in the Members Survey conducted in 2017.

In addition, members of the Committee may now serve for a maximum of three years at a time. This is intended to encourage wider participation and turnover so that the Committee can better reflect the wishes and interests of members.

Three Year Committee Cycle

More generally, the Constitution was made shorter and simplified to make it more appropriate to a voluntary members’ club. The new Constitution retains all the essential elements of its predecessor but makes them more accessible and easy to understand.