Wambui Njau

Founder of Fanaka Foundation UK. This is an initiative that started 5 years ago by Wambui Njau the CEO and founder of Fanaka Foundation UK.

The mission is to increase access to services and equalisation of opportunities for visually impaired persons through partnership, raising funds and influencing change.

The blind and visually impaired need assistance and its through partnership that we can raise money to reach the blind especially while young and give them chances of a better life. We need to awaken the public interest in the welfare of the blind and in all matters relating to blindness to give them better opportunities in life.

The aims and objectives of the organisation is to promote educational opportunities for girls and boys especially the disadvantaged and visually impaired through mentorship, financially and providing them with laptops with the necessary software’s and accessibility features that they can use to be competitive with technology and other suitable equipment. Wambui supports the blind and visually impaired in UK, where she volunteers at

Herts Vision Loss in Welwyn Garden City, UK and partnership with Kenya Society for the blind. She raises funds through Golf tournaments, JustGiving pages and last year a Gala night to raise money. In 2019, the money was raised for an Embosser Braille Photocopier for use by the Kenya Society for the blind. This was delivered and now in use by teachers, trainers and students alike from the Kenya Society for the blind centre in Nairobi. Mr Sam Waweru received the braille photocopier.

Wambui’s dreams is to see that the Blind in Kenya are given an opportunity to be independent and this can only be possible by supporting them through provision of equipment necessary for the blind in education sectors and especially provision of Braille photocopiers in mainstream schools and public libraries. This will assist the visually impaired to print in Braille at centres close to their towns.

On the 4th Dec 2021 we had the pleasure of having the acting Chairman Juvenile Shiundu and Mrs Shiundu in our presence. We thank you Mr and Mrs Shiundu for gracing the event. The funds raised from the gala was used for sports equipment for the blind and supported rehabilitation of “Martin Imbalambala naweza Campaign” a football captain in Kenya that went blind in the peak of his career. Ksh150,000 was presented to Kenya Society for the blind to rehabilitate Martin.

On the 3rd December 2022, Fanaka Foundation Gala is scheduled for another night of fun and for a good cause in raising money for sports equipment for the visually impaired.