Happy New YEAR 2024

Dear Esteemed Members,
Warm greetings from the Kenya Society Committee!
As we draw the curtains on another successful year and herald the promising new year of 2024, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on my first full year serving as the Chairman of our esteemed Society.  This is an opportune moment to review our journey, celebrate achievements, address challenges, and share my aspirations for the year ahead.
First and foremost, I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to each and every Society member. Your unwavering commitment, passion, and support throughout 2023 have propelled our collective success. This has truly been an eventful year marked by notable occasions and significant milestones that have strengthened our Society and brought us closer together.
Serving as your Chairman has been an honour and privilege, and I have endeavoured to fulfil this responsibility with diligence, bolstered by the steadfast support of our dedicated Committee. Despite grappling with global challenges, including political and economic turbulence in Kenya, our Society has not only endured but thrived, uniting members through our annual events.
Throughout the year, our Society had the privilege of hosting and attending several remarkable gatherings that brought together members, fellow Kenyans in the diaspora, and friends of Kenya. We successfully organised our AGM and Annual Lunch in May, which provided a platform for fruitful discussions and collaboration. Additionally, some members, on invitation, represented us proudly at a first-of-its-kind reception hosted by Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla. This reception strengthened our bonds and fostered meaningful connections between our two countries. Furthermore, we facilitated academic opportunities for Kenyan students in the UK through numerous university partnership events. We also hosted various book launches and events with partner institutions. And earlier this month, we celebrated the 60th Jamhuri Day on 8th December, hosted by His Excellency Manoah Esipisu, the Kenyan High Commissioner to the UK, paying tribute to our nation's rich history and heritage.

Members will recall that our main event of the year, the Summer Garden Party hosted by the High Commissioner at his official residence, did not go ahead as planned this year due to budgetary reasons beyond the Society’s control. I appreciate your understanding and enquiries regarding this matter and hope to host one in the new year.
During our AGM in May, where we announced the newly elected committee that will serve for the next two years, we also announced that Mr Patrick Orr, the former Chairman who founded the Society in 1989, was elected Vice Patron. This recognition is a testament to Patrick’s unwavering commitment and support to the Society’s mission for over 30 years. This year we also bid farewell to two of our longstanding committee members, Ms Pamela Chesire, former Honorary Secretary and Mr Robert Newell, former Honorary Treasurer.
Since then, there have been some changes. Ms Irene Waite has replaced Mrs Ruth Barry as Deputy Chair, and Mr Ian Paton has taken over as Honorary Secretary from Mr Humphrey Paton.
In the midst of our achievements, we also experienced profound loss within our membership. It is with deep sadness that we remember Dan Maini, a devoted member of our Committee who was our Events Lead. His unwavering dedication and contributions to our Society will forever be cherished. Let us honour his memory and may his soul rest in eternal peace. 
As we conclude the festive season and embrace the new year, I extend my wishes for good health, happiness, and prosperity to all members and their loved ones. In 2024, the Committee remains committed to further strengthening the Society by addressing feedback received from members, hosting more engaging events, and supporting initiatives between Kenyan students and UK universities.
The year 2024 also marks the 35th anniversary of the Kenya Society UK, and I plan, with the Committee's support, to document our journey by publishing a book commemorating this milestone. I invite members willing to contribute content to come forward.
In closing, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to each member of the Committee for their unwavering commitment, support and exemplary work in steering our Society forward during 2023. Your dedication has been instrumental in our achievements, and I am grateful for your invaluable contributions. 
Finally, I am deeply grateful for the well-wishes received during my recent hospitalisation in London. With the support of family and friends, I am making a steady recovery.
As we embark on a new year filled with possibilities and opportunities, let us remain united in our shared vision and purpose. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact and further strengthen our Society for the benefit of all members.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year!
With warm regards,

Juvenal J M Shiundu

Kenya Society UK




KING & QUEEN host Kenya Reception