Waithera Mwangi

Finance, Operations & HR

Hello there,

My name is Waithera, loosely translated to ‘of light’ – which is my essence. I am a multiplier and growth catalyst; I support organizations & people to build necessary structures & processes in order for them to make more of themselves, have greater impact and income. My circles also call me Google, because I’m such a knowledge magnet and I’m always at hand to help with something that they need sorted.

Currently, I am a postgraduate student at The University of Manchester studying MSc. Organizational Change & Development – with a keen interest in project management & finance. I am pursuing this program, courtesy of the Merit Award by the Global Development Institute- Europe’s largest global poverty and inequality institute based at the university.

Before joining the University in September 2021, I was working at Siasa Place as Finance & Administration manager overseeing the department, and being a key member in decision-making, strategy as well as fundraising support. Siasa Place is a civil society organization in Kenya, whose focus is to increase meaningful participation of young people in democratic processes, taking advantage of the 2010 Constitution devolution system which transferred power to the lowest unit of society enabling the citizenry to be more involved in making the change they want to see in the government at their level. During my tenure at Siasa Place, I successfully managed grants of over USD $600,000 in four years funded by both local and international donor agencies. I also supported the capacity building of other upcoming organizations to be better in accountability and more effective in their impact.

I enjoy organizing, and learning about the mind, have a keen interest in personal financial management, theology and optimizing productivity. Those are the things I talk the most about. In my free time, you will find me reading, mentoring, taking a walk, sleeping or having a good laugh with friends.

I love to make the most of my multi-disciplinary self, and I see my purpose as being on earth to be light – to be a blessing in whatever shape or form, and to exploit myself and all that has been graciously granted me to serve humanity.

I’m excited about being a member of The Kenya Society because it is an opportunity to connect with others who are as interested in the prosperity of Kenya and her people, to keep updated on matters KE, to be mentored and grow as well as have fun.

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