A Message from the Chairman

1 June 2023

Dear Members,

Today, we celebrate Madaraka Day, a day that holds great significance for all Kenyans as it marked the day when Kenya gained self-governance and took the first step towards independence on June 1, 1963. On this day, we celebrate our country’s journey towards sovereignty and reflect on the sacrifices made by our forefathers who fought tirelessly to secure our independence and ensure a better future for generations to come. This year’s Madaraka Day is exceptionally special as we will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of our independence in December.

As members of the Kenya Society UK, we have a unique connection to Madaraka Day. Our organisation stands for the promotion of Kenyan interests, values, and culture. We recognise that our country’s journey towards independence was a long and difficult one, but we also celebrate the achievements that have been made since then. We have made great progress in building a strong and prosperous nation. Today, Kenya is a country with a rich culture, diverse economy, and a vibrant democracy.

On this occasion, we commemorate Madaraka Day and reaffirm our commitment to promoting the country’s rich heritage, unity, interests and values. We also recognise that there is still much work to be done to ensure that Kenya reaches its full potential. As members of Kenya Society, we have a responsibility to work towards this goal, through our individual and collective efforts.

Let us take this opportunity to celebrate Madaraka Day and renew our commitment to building a better future for ourselves and our country. As we mark this day, let us remember the sacrifices and contributions of our forefathers and commit to upholding the values of freedom, justice and peace that they fought for. Let us work together towards building a Kenyan society that upholds unity, equality, diversity, and prosperity for all.

Once again, I wish you a happy Madaraka Day!

Best regards,

Juvenal J M Shiundu

Chairman, Kenya Society UK


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