Kenya Society UK Holds Successful AGM and Annual Lunch, Appoints Founding Member as Vice Patron

The Kenya Society UK held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Annual Lunch on Thursday, May 25, 2023, at the Rembrandt Hotel in London. The event, which coincided with Africa Day, and was attended by members of the society, special guests, and dignitaries.

Mr Juvenal Shiundu, the Chair of the Society, welcomed the guests and introduced the agenda for the AGM, which included deliberations on the society’s activities and key achievements over the past year, as well as plans for the future. Members engaged in lively discussions and provided valuable feedback to the society’s leadership.

During the AGM, the following officers were elected:

Juvenal Shiundu, Ruth Barry, Kailesh Patel, Angela Kolongo, Humphrey Paton, Elizabeth Kangethe, Kezhia Orege Fields, Julius Mbaluto, Sherry Davis, Irene Waite, Dhanush Maini, Elizabeth Okinda, Veronica Pickering, Celeste Shirvani, Stephen Wambua and Wambui Njau

…Patrick Orr Elected Vice Patron

In a momentous announcement, it was revealed that Mr Patrick Orr, the former Chairman who founded the Society in 1989, was elected as Vice Patron of the Kenya Society UK. This recognition is a testament to Patrick’s unwavering commitment and support to the Society’s mission for over 30 years.

Patrick is a respected PR and Communications guru, businessman and philanthropist, and his appointment as Vice Patron is a great honour for the Society. He is a passionate advocate for Kenya and its people, and has worked tirelessly to promote Kenyan culture and business in the UK. The Kenya Society UK is grateful for Patrick’s continued support, and we look forward to working with him in the years to come.

It has been announced that Mr. Robert Newell, a long-serving Honorary Treasurer, will be retiring from the Committee as well as his role as Treasurer. The meeting expressed its appreciation for the valuable services that Robert has offered to the Society over the years and wished him well in his retirement..

…Celebrating Kenya’s progress and fostering UK-Kenya dialogue

The AGM was followed by the Annual Lunch, attended by members and special guests including the Kenyan High Commissioner to the UK, H.E. Manoah Esipisu, accompanied by his wife, Mrs Waithiageni Kanguru-Esipisu, and other guests from the High Commission.

In his remarks, H.E. Manoah Esipisu noted the close partnership between the Society and the High Commission, while commending the Society for its efforts to strengthen UK-Kenya relations. He outlined the progress made between UK-Kenya bilateral relations in three areas of focus: investment and trade, student partnerships and research, and people-to-people relations. The High Commissioner highlighted the importance of people-to-people relations and how Kenya is working to help the UK fill labour shortages in various areas, such as innovation and healthcare.

The Annual Lunch provide a great opportunity for the Society to connect with its members and friends of Kenya, as well as to celebrate Kenya’s achievements and discuss ways to support the country’s development. Professor Veronica Pickering MBS, the High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and fellow Committee Member, delivered a keynote address speaking eloquently about her journey in Kenya, her career as an executive coach, and how she

ended up where she is today including her recent appointment as High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire – the first Kenyan and black person to ever hold that position.

Overall, the AGM and Annual Lunch were a resounding success, and the Kenya Society UK looks forward to continuing its mission to showcase the best of Kenya to the UK. The Committee of the Kenya Society UK would like to thank all of the guests for their attendance and continued support.

For those interested in becoming members, please join on the Membership page.


